Maria Yelletisch
Work   About

Autumn almost winter.
Gallery br, Tetbury, UK.
Abril 2023

I painted this exhibition in November, as the end of autumn was approaching, which, along with spring, is my favorite season. I spent more time contemplating this season, as my two-year-old daughter began to understand what autumn was. Every day before going to kindergarden, we would take a moment to observe how the trees along the path were losing more and more leaves, and when she saw a leaf on the ground, she would say: "An autumn leaf."

Hojas de otoño (Autumn leaf)
160x130 cm
Oil on linen

Image from “Autumn almost winter” Solo show Abr.2023 Gallery Br, UK.

Image from “Autumn almost winter” Solo show Abr.2023 Gallery Br, UK.